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Lessons In Botany – Fragments of the Spheres


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SKU: BOT001 Category: Tags: , , , , ,

This series of art work has been created using illustrations from old Botany books, books that are now rendered obsolete because the content and perhaps format are no longer viable, books that were once trees, that have passed through the hands of an eager student, and then ended up as landfill…or not, in this case. I believe it is important to value all resources and wanted to transform these old unwanted books into something as beautiful as the Plant Kingdom they represent, the lessons in botany that I would have preferred, making kingdoms and fantasy worlds out of cells and cross sections. When placed out of context these images begin to form a new narrative as we try to construct a reality out of the images. Our brain is wired to make sense of what we see and will begin to take short cuts to predict what cannot be seen. This phenomenon is known as Pareidolia and without this ability we would be lost in every day life.

Each artwork is definitely unique and if you stare long enough…you may just go on a journey into Kingdom Plantae

Collage on canvas, repurposed double sided tape, repurposed Botany Books and pre loved gloss medium.

Weight 0.055 kg
Dimensions 8 × 11 × 2 cm

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