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Spring has sprung

Spring has sprung, that sweet smell of nectar is in the air, buds are blooming, seedlings are sprouting and leaves are emerging from leaf nodes. It is time to sow the seeds – for your summer crop and flowers that will attract all those helpful creatures into your garden.

Spring is a time for creativity, growth and renewal, this upward and expansive movement of energy is seen in nature as buds burst open, expanding out into a beautiful bloom. In Traditional Oriental Medicine the liver and gall bladder belong to the wood element and are the organs which pertain to the spring season.

The wood element is responsible for the movement of Blood and Qi throughout the body. As we emerge from the colder inward introverted nature of the water element and winter, the weather warms and naturally creates more extroverted movement of our bodies and also our mental state. Being so restricted with what we can do socially with our current restrictions it is extra important to shift the more sedentary energy of winter into the more awakened energy of spring with some exercise and maybe making that extra phone call, snail mail or other contact to people in your life, to simulate that natural expansive nature of Spring our social lives usually take.

As we begin to move our bodies more, remember to stretch the muscles and joints, like trees and the wood element flexibility is crucial to move with the constant change and growth of life.

Anger is reflective with the wood element when there is blockages in these organs their function and meridian paths. Considering the stress of fires, a new virus effecting humans (Covid), lock downs, financial stresses, employment, among others this may be a very susceptible emotion at present. Again exercise and stretching can help shift this energy in a more productive way especially around the neck and shoulders. Put your face in a pillow or whilst you are submerged in water – let out a big scream – this can be powerful in dissipating some of this blocked energy. This stagnation can also worsen pre-menstrual stress syndrome, and create extra heat in the body a bit like our cars when they are stuck in a traffic block. Our body is also a vehicle, so in a warming season it is important to keep hydrated and drink plenty of water.

The wood element also nourishes and governs the eyes, which are in particular strained from looking at computers, phones and tv. If you like many people are spending more time on such devices in lock down remember to take regular breaks to rest the eyes. Also spending lots of time on these devices tend to create a lot of tension between the neck and shoulders where one of the most prone to stagnation Tsubo (Acu) points JiangJiang or GB-21 is located, applying thumb pressure to this point can also help descend excess anger and energy from the head it is **however it is generally CONTRAINDICATED for use in pregnancy** ( I always make sure to point out these contraindicated points where appropriate as a lot of new age treatment systems which have borrowed information from traditional oriental medicine systems often lack the complete knowledge of such points which can potentially be dangerous.)

Allowing the odd tear to flow instead of suppressing these emotions can also be beneficial for shedding some toxins, and nourishing the liver role of moistening the eyes and not allowing emotion to create stagnation in the body.

Foods to incorporate into the diet to aid the wood elements functions include Sour foods such as citrus try a refreshing glass of lemon water, many berries and Gubunji or Kakadu plum – wild harvested by first nation people Mayi Harvest available here.

Also green coloured foods generally benefit the wood element such as; leafy greens, asparagus and broccoli. Sprouts are also reflective of the new growth abundant in spring and are therefore also beneficial to the wood elements functions.

If you are looking to lively up your garden we have a variety of flower seeds available here from Sow n Sow Gift Of Seeds – some edible and some bee, butterfly and bug attracting. They also make a wonderful gift (that keeps giving) and comes with an envelope so they can be easily posted in the mail to reach out to that special person in your life. A simple way to bring some Spring cheer into someones day.

Thank you for taking your time to read this – take care, nurture yourself and get that energy moving!!

Written by Raven (Dip Shiatsu and Oriental Therapies) and Carolyn from

Photography by Carolyn

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